Page 40 - Annual Report 2022 EN
P. 40

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                   The Legal department provides legal advice, guidance and support in relation

                   to both the QFCRA’s core regulatory functions and its administrative and
                   operational functions.

                   The Legal department is additionally responsible for carrying out a range of

                   internal ethics and compliance functions, including the administration of the
                   QFCRA’s Code of Conduct and policy on internal protected reporting

                   (whistleblowing by employees) and, in conjunction with the IT department,

                   the QFCRA’s data protection programme.

                   Data Protection

                   In December 2021, the Qatar Financial Centre Authority (QFCA) issued updated
                   QFC Data Protection Regulations and Rules, which aim to address global

                   developments relating to the handling and protection of data arising from rapidly

                   developing new technologies and data commercialisation trends. The updated

                   QFC Data Protection Regulations and Rules came into effect in June 2022.

                   In conjunction with the roll-out of the updated Regulations and Rules, the

                   QFCRA took the opportunity in 2022 to review and strengthen its data protection

                   programme. The Legal team undertook key measures designed to not only ensure
                   its technical compliance with the updated requirements but also to facilitate

                   the adoption of evolving international standards and best practices, including:

                   •  implementing an updated Data Protection Policy
                      and related procedures, systems and controls;

                   •  designating a dedicated Data Protection Advisor function,

                      which is coordinated between the Legal and IT departments;
                   •  conducting an enterprise-wide personal

                      data inventory and compliance review; and

                   •  providing general training to all staff and specialised training

                      and certification for staff having key data protection functions.
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