Page 45 - Annual Report 2022 EN
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                                                                                                             Mr Salman Ahmed Al-Ansari                                                                  Whistleblowing (Protected Reporting)

                                                                                                             In June 2022, the QFCRA appointed Mr Salman Al Ansari                                      The QFCRA’s whistleblowing framework outlines
                                                                                                             as a CDRS Independent Adjudicator.                                                         appropriate mechanisms for making confidential

                                                                                                                                                                                                        reports about alleged wrongdoing by QFC authorised
                                                                                                             Mr Al Ansari Salman is ranked as a leading lawyer                                          firms or persons connected with these firms.

                                                                                                             in corporate and commercial law by Chambers and                                            These anonymous reporting mechanisms provide
                                                                                                             Partners. He advises clients on all facets of their                                        confidentiality, anonymity, and protection for persons

                                                                                                             operations in the Middle East, from corporate formation,                                   making reports, and help foster a climate whereby

                                                                                                             structuring, mergers and acquisitions, finance and                                         employees are more likely to report or seek guidance

                                                                                                             securities to intellectual property, real estate &                                         regarding potential or actual wrongdoing without fear
                                                                                                             construction and dispute resolution. Mr Al-Ansari’s in-                                    of retaliation by their employer, such as immediate

                                                                                                             depth academic experience, along with his knowledge                                        termination, serious health or safety concern.

                                                                                                             of local laws, allows him to efficiently advise clients

                                                                                                             on the legal complexities of the Middle East and North                                     The largest number of protected reports received in
                                                                                                             Africa (MENA) region. Recently, Mr Al-Ansari advised                                       2022 are in respect of misconduct and contraventions

                                                                                                             on one of the largest mergers and disputes in the State                                    of relevant requirements by the Authorised Firms.

                                                                                                             of Qatar.  Mr Al-Ansari led a team of lawyers to draft

                                                                                                             and negotiate the Law No. 10 of 2021 regarding the
                                                                                                             Measures for Hosting the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022.                                        Whistleblowing (WB) - Key Statistics for 2022

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Stage in WB Process                                                                 1 Jan – 31 December 2022
                                                                                                             He earned his LLB from Qatar University and his

                                                                                                             LLM from University of Pennsylvania Law School in                                          Enquiries to WB (whether in or outside jurisdiction)                                                   13
                                                                                                             the United States and his EMBA from HEC Paris.

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Out of scope matters                                                                                    1
                                                                                                             Mr Al Ansari has taught several law courses at Qatar

                                                                                                             University including Principles of Commercial Law.                                         WB matters under assessment                                                                             0

                                                                                                                                                                                                        WB matters closed                                                                                      12
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