Page 49 - Annual Report 2022 EN
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                   2022 highlights

                   Macroprudential Analysis                                                                  Enterprise Risk Management

                   Research and analysis produced at the macro level                                         The department provided four reports during the year to

                   continued to foster the position of the QFCRA to carry out                                the Audit and Risk Committee.  In September 2022, the

                   its functions effectively and to contribute constructively                                QFCRA migrated its risk register and related governance
                   to the work of Qatar’s FSC, in close collaboration and                                    processes to an internally developed online cloud-

                   partnership with senior members of staff from the                                         based platform utilising Microsoft Power BI functionality

                   QCB and the QFMA. During the year, the department                                         to enable real-time interactive risk management

                   held meetings with several external stakeholders to                                       reporting and analysis, and automated workflows
                   identify and discuss key risks to domestic financial                                      and coordination with all internal stakeholders.

                   stability and prepared QFCRA input for the quarterly

                   financial stability indicators reports for the FSC.
                                                                                                             Strategic Plan

                   The department provided assistance and
                                                                                                             The QFCRA provided its input into the Third Financial
                   information to various international organisations,
                                                                                                             Sector Strategic Plan and participated in various
                   including the International Monetary Fund.
                                                                                                             stakeholder workshops with the QCB and QFMA to

                                                                                                             further consider and develop potential initiatives.
                   In 2022, under QFCRA’s risk-based supervision

                   framework, the Macroprudential Analysis department

                   provided insights on macroeconomic and financial                                          Regulatory Project Coordination

                   stability to microprudential supervisory staff,
                                                                                                             The QFCRA is working in cooperation with the
                   senior management, and the Board of Directors.
                                                                                                             QCB, QFMA, QFCA, QE and QCSD to coordinate
                   Macroprudential surveillance operates alongside
                                                                                                             and provide input on various multi-year financial
                   microprudential (entity level) surveillance to
                                                                                                             sector regulatory initiatives including an executive
                   assist supervisors in their efforts to prevent
                                                                                                             action plan for capital markets. The QFCRA is the
                   or mitigate the effects of risks identified.
                                                                                                             Lead Owner for five action items including the

                                                                                                             derivatives exchange rulebook and digital assets as
                   Macroprudential surveillance assisted QFCRA in
                                                                                                             set forth in the QFCRA policy work programme.
                   identifying and assessing important changes in the
                   financial sector (i.e. banking, insurance, and investment
                                                                                                             Additionally, the QFCRA commenced the development
                   management, as well as macroeconomic factors
                                                                                                             of a cloud-based Microsoft project management solution
                   affecting these markets; delivering value-added
                                                                                                             using Project for the Web platform. The purpose of the
                   quantitative and qualitative information for forward-
                                                                                                             platform is to provide transparent real time reporting
                   looking monitoring; and detecting macro-financial
                                                                                                             and tracking of progress on regulatory projects.
                   issues that may affect QFCRA authorised firms.
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