Page 48 - Annual Report 2022 EN
P. 48

/ 48                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      T ABLE OF C ONTENT S

                   Establishment of a new division                                                           Roles and responsibilities

                                                                                                             of each department
                   The new division was established on 1 August 2022
                   under the leadership of former Managing Director                                          The Macroprudential Analysis department assesses

                   for Policy, Legal and Enforcement, Prue Morris. The                                       and analyses key global, regional and domestic

                   functions of macroprudential analysis, enterprise                                         macro-economic, financial and political developments

                   risk management, financial sector strategy and                                            and trends, as well as relevant international
                   regulatory project coordination merged into the new                                       regulatory and infrastructural developments.

                   division, and Internal Audit have an administrative

                   reporting line through the new division.                                                  The Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

                                                                                                             department oversees the QFCRA’s risk governance
                                                                                                             and risk register and reports to the Audit and Risk

                                                                                                             Committee on the key risks facing the QFCRA and

                                                                                                             the risk controls to mitigate the identified risks.

                                                                                                             The Financial Sector Strategy department

                                                                                                             prepares the QFCRA’s input into the joint Strategic

                                                                                                             Plan for Financial Sector Regulation and represents

                                                                                                             the QFCRA on the joint strategy committee
                                                                                                             which also comprises the QCB and QFMA.

                                                                                                             The Regulatory Project Coordination department

                                                                                                             provides project management office support
                                                                                                             to manage various financial sector regulatory

                                                                                                             initiatives with additional support provided by

                                                                                                             one staff member seconded from QFMA.

                                                                                                             The Internal Audit department develops

                                                                                                             and implements an independent and objective

                                                                                                             assurance and advice service to the Board of

                                                                                                             Directors of the QFCRA and senior management to
                                                                                                             assist them in their responsibilities to comply with

                                                                                                             industry leading guidelines and best practice.
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