Page 42 - Annual Report 2022 EN
P. 42

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                   Enforcement Actions in 2022

                   Disciplinary action against Rudolfs Veiss, former Ultimate Beneficial Owner                                                                                                          Disciplinary action against Mr Patrick Claude Baeriswyl, Director,

                   (UBO), Director and Executive Governance Function (EGF) of Prime Financial                                                                                                           and member of senior management of Horizon Crescent Wealth LLC

                   Solutions LLC (previously known as International Financial Services (Qatar) LLC)
                                                                                                                                                                                                        In September 2022, the QFCRA took disciplinary action against a former director and member of senior
                   In September 2022, the QFCRA took disciplinary action against the former UBO, Director and EGF of Prime                                                                              management of HCW, Mr Patrick Claude Baeriswyl, for failing to ensure the firm’s PPSC’s appropriately

                   Financial Solutions LLC (formerly known as International Financial Services (Qatar) LLC), Mr Rudolfs Veiss, for                                                                      and adequately addressed the requirements of the Anti-Money Laundering Law No. (4) of 2010 and the

                   failing to comply with requirements imposed on the firm by the QFCRA in a Supervisory Notice, for obstructing                                                                        AML/CFTR, failing to ensure that HCW developed, established and maintained effective AML/CFT PPSC,
                   the QFCRA’s investigation and for failing to act with integrity, failing to act with due skill, care and diligence and                                                               failing to document those policies, failing to at all times have an experienced and effective MLRO and

                   failing to deal with the QFCRA in an open and cooperative manner by making misrepresentations to the QFCRA.                                                                          failing to ensure that ML/TF risks were taken into account in the day-to-day operation of the firm.

                   Mr Veiss appealed the QFCRA’s decision to impose a financial penalty of USD 500,000 and a five-year prohibition                                                                      The QFCRA imposed on Mr Baeriswyl a financial penalty of USD 200,000 and an indefinite prohibition

                   from carrying out any function in the QFC. The QFCRA’s  disciplinary action remains subject to an appeal in the                                                                      from carrying out any function in the QFC. Mr Baeriswyl has appealed the QFCRA’s decision in the QFC
                   QFC Regulatory Tribunal.                                                                                                                                                             Regulatory Tribunal and therefore the disciplinary action remains the subject of an appeal.

                   Disciplinary action against Mr Luis Laplana, an investment                                                                                                                           Disciplinary action against Mr Jean Marc Mantegani, Director, Money

                   manager for two customers of Horizon Crescent Wealth LLC (HCW)                                                                                                                       Laundering Reporting Officer and member of senior management of

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Horizon Crescent Wealth LLC
                   In October 2022, the QFCRA took disciplinary action against an investment manager for two customers of HCW,

                   Mr Luis Laplana, for providing misleading information to the QFCRA during its investigation of the firm. The QFCRA                                                                   In September 2022, the QFCRA took disciplinary action against a director, MLRO and a member of senior management
                   imposed a financial penalty of USD 150,000 and an indefinite prohibition from carrying out any function for firms in the                                                             of HCW, Mr Jean Marc Mantegani, for failing to ensure that the firm’s PPSC’s appropriately and adequately addressed

                   QFC. Mr Laplana did not appeal the decision of the QFCRA, and therefore, the financial penalty is due and payable.                                                                   the requirements of the Anti-Money Laundering Law No. (4) of 2010 and the AML/CFTR to ensure that the firm

                                                                                                                                                                                                        adopted the required risk-based approach to AML/CFT as set out in AML/CFTR, to ensure that the firm’s Customer

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Due Diligence was appropriate, failing to ensure that the firm maintained and provided documentary evidence of
                   Disciplinary action against Mr Robert Edward Sharratt, Director,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        its compliance with AML/CFTR, and failing to ensure that the firm developed, established and maintained effective
                   and member of senior management of Horizon Crescent Wealth LLC
                                                                                                                                                                                                        AML/CFT PPSC’s, failing to document those policies, failing to at all times have an experienced and effective

                                                                                                                                                                                                        MLRO, and failing to ensure that ML/TF risks were taken into account in the day-to-day operation of the firm.
                   In September 2022, the QFCRA took disciplinary action against a former director and member of senior
                   management of HCW, Mr Robert Edward Sharratt, for failing to ensure the firm’s policies, procedures, systems
                                                                                                                                                                                                        The QFCRA imposed on Mr Mantegani a financial penalty of USD 300,000 and an indefinite prohibition
                   and controls (PPSC’s) appropriately and adequately addressed the requirements of the Anti-Money Laundering
                                                                                                                                                                                                        from carrying out any function in the QFC. Mr Mantegani has appealed the QFCRA’s decision in the QFC
                   Law No. (4) of 2010 and the QFC AML/CFT Rules (AML/CFTR), failing to ensure that HCW developed, established
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Regulatory Tribunal and therefore the disciplinary action remains the subject of an appeal.
                   and maintained effective AML/CFT PPSC, failing to document those policies, failing to at all times have an
                   experienced and effective Money Laundering Reporting Officer and failing to ensure that Money Laundering

                   and Terrorist Financing (ML/TF) risks were taken into account in the day-to-day operation of the firm.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        QFC court judgments

                   The QFCRA imposed on Mr Sharratt a financial penalty of USD 150,000 and an indefinite prohibition from carrying                                                                      The QFCRA was party to one (1) proceeding in the Qatar International Court in 2022:
                   out any function in the QFC. Mr Sharratt did not appeal the decision of the QFCRA, and therefore, the financial

                   penalty is due and payable.                                                                                                                                                          -Nigel Perera v Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority [2022] QIC (A) 6.
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