Page 37 - Annual Report 2022 EN
P. 37

/ 37                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      T ABLE OF C ONTENT S

                   Partnering with peer regulators

                   and other agencies in Qatar

                   In 2022 and for the fourth time, the QFCRA participated

                   in World Investor Week (WIW), which took place

                   during October.

                   WIW is a week-long global campaign promoted by the

                   International Organization of Securities Commissions

                   (IOSCO) and supported by leading organisations such

                   as the G20 and the World Bank. The aim of WIW is
                   to raise awareness about the importance of investor

                   education and protection. This year’s focus was

                   investor resilience and how it can be achieved and

                   introducing various audiences to sustainable finance.

                   The  QFCRAsupported the WIW campaign by coordinating

                   a number of events with schools and universities:

                   •  Qatar Banking and Business Administration

                      Secondary Business School for Boys;

                   •  Qatar Banking and Business Administration
                      Secondary Business School for Girls;

                   •  Radio segment on Qatar Broadcasting

                      Company (QBS) English Radio;
                   •  An Introduction to Sustainable Finance lecture

                      at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar; and

                   •  Roundtable discussion held with Hamad Bin Khalifa

                      University College of Law and College of Public

                      Policy on Sustainable Finance Opportunities and
                      Challenges: Working towards a greener future.

                   This initiative falls under Qatar’s Second Strategic
                   Plan for Financial Sector Regulation (2017-2022).

                   Events related to sustainable finance were also held

                   during Qatar Sustainability Week, which took place

                   at the same time as WIW. This allowed the QFCRA to
                   reach a larger audience and spread the key messages

                   for WIW in conjunction with local initiatives.
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