Page 56 - Annual Report 2022 EN
P. 56
Corporate Social
Mubadarah Prioritising Health and Safety
As financial regulators, the QFCRA looks to deliver a As part of the QFCRA’s commitment to promoting
world class financial services regulatory environment employee health and safety, the Public Relations
that contributes to the economic, environmental and department hosted the Qatar Red Crescent Society and
social well-being of the State of Qatar. Sustainable the Qatar Diabetes Association to conduct sessions on
development and the adoption of sustainable practices First Aid and preventative and management measures of
is at the forefront of the QFCRA’s Corporate Social diabetes, arming employees with the necessary life skills
Responsibility (CSR) objectives. to lead a healthy lifestyle in and out of the workplace.
In efforts to reduce its environmental footprint and
promote a paperless business environment, in 2023, the
QFCRA introduced custom recyclable water bottles to
reduce the consumption of plastic products and waste
and donated its old furniture to Qatar Charity’s Tayf
program before relocating to its new headquarters.
Continuing its commitment towards a sustainable future
by promoting digitisation and encouraging paper-saving
practices. In 2023, the QFCRA recycled 2481 KG of