Page 51 - Annual Report 2022 EN
P. 51

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                   Modernisation of Applications                                                             Enforcement Case Management System                                                         National Cyber Drill 2023

                   Keeping up with the latest technological trends,                                          In 2023, the IT department assisted the Enforcement                                        Under the theme of “Secure Your Data”, the QFCRA
                   the QFCRA continued its journey through the                                               department with the adoption of an automated system                                        participated in Cyber Drill 2023 hosted by the

                   cloud by discovering a new realm of modernising                                           responsible for improving the departmental processes of                                    National Cyber Security Agency (NCSA). The drill

                   applications. The adoption of cloud-native architectural                                  legal case management and further related matters. The                                     assessed the individual, procedural and technological

                   principles, refactoring code and implementing                                             system extracts data from the Supervision department’s                                     cyber capabilities of organisations and their level
                   new technologies, improved the functionality and                                          Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), whistleblowing,                                         of compliance with national data security policies.

                   automation of its e-forms and services, targeting                                         and CDRS e-forms to build a case and uses the                                              The report issued following the drill indicated an

                   the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system,                                            built-in features of folder structure management                                           excellent performance by the QFCRA’s drill team,

                   Financial Institution Regulatory Management System                                        and reports generator to streamline the process.                                           surpassing the sectoral and national standards.
                   (FIRMS) and the QFCRA’s Translation System.

                                                                                                             System Optimisation                                                                        Cyber-Security Awareness Training
                   Cloud Based Management Platform

                                                                                                             In 2023, the QFCRA revamped the Supervision and                                            In its continuous efforts to uphold the highest standards
                   To help optimise the Strategy and Risk division’s                                         Authorisation’s Correspondence Management System,                                          of cybersecurity and crisis management practices, the

                   project management plan, the cloud-based platform                                         responsible for tracking and recording communications                                      QFCRA conducted cybersecurity awareness sessions for

                   Project for the Web was introduced as a new project                                       with firms, organisations and other regulators. The new                                    all its employees to promote safe practices. The sessions
                   management solution, assisting the division with                                          system underwent structural changes that created                                           aimed to enhance employees’ knowledge and skills on

                   generating data-heavy reports and dashboards.                                             a more user-friendly experience featuring unlimited                                        how to prevent, detect, and respond to cyber threats

                   Project for the Web played a critical role in bringing                                    correspondence linking, easy navigation, an organisation                                   that may compromise the QFCRA’s data and systems.

                   together various stakeholders from the financial                                          tool in the form of a task bar tracker and introduced a

                   sector and driving cooperation and collaboration                                          diverse range of business information dashboards.
                   under the Third Financial Sector Strategic Plan.
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