Page 52 - Annual Report 2022 EN
P. 52
Building a Future-Ready Workforce
Nationalisation at the Forefront Mindmill 360 Profile Assessment MoU with Cambridge University
Al Masar, the QFCRA’s award-winning nationalisation In alignment with the QFCRA’s competency In January 2023, the QFCRA signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with
programme, started in 2015. The programme framework, the 360 Profile Assessment the Cambridge Judge Business School’s Regulatory Genome Project (CJBS-RGP).
addresses QFCRA’s need for qualified Qatari subject was utilised as a training tool to assess the The MoU is intended to contribute to the development and promotion of the RGP,
matter experts and leaders, with the goal of creating progress of employees in leadership positions, a collaboration to develop and support an open information structure that will
a legacy of financial regulation for the State of Qatar. measuring their development against the QFCRA facilitate the comparative analysis of financial regulations across jurisdictions.
Leadership Competencies. The data generated
For both Qatari graduates and more seasoned
proved essential in supporting organisational
Qatari employees, Al Masar provides the full range
leadership development at the QFCRA.
of human resources services, including recruitment, We look forward to the establishment
orientation, training and development, career of a working relationship with the
mapping, ongoing assessment and opportunities Promoting Careers in
that are designed to expand an employee’s Financial Regulation RGP and contributing to its ongoing
capacity to take on more responsibility. development under this MoU. With the increase in
The Al Masar strategy calls for the QFCRA to
Recruitment targets are individuals who are reach out to secondary schools and university information significant to regulatory requirements,
interested in careers in the core business areas students in Qatar to acquaint them with career
the demand to verify and process data efficiently
of Supervision and Authorisation, Policy, Legal possibilities in Qatar’s financial sector.
is unprecedented. We are pleased to collaborate
and Enforcement and Strategy and Risk. Qatari
employees progress through five developmental with the RPG on this first of many opportunities”
University Outreach
stages at their own pace, with defined competencies,
professional training, coaching, seminars, and staff The QFCRA made great strides in creating a legacy
mentoring available throughout the journey. of financial regulation for Qatar and promoting — Michael G. Ryan, CEO, QFCRA
the financial sector as a career choice in 2023.
Employees follow customised individual development
plans that include core skills function rotation, work-
based assignments and professional certificates,
international assignments and local secondments,
a master’s or advanced degree relevant to QFCRA
subject matter and leadership preparation.