Page 111 - Annual Report 2020
P. 111

/ 106                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       QF CR A ANNU AL REP OR T 2020

                   Notes to the Financial Statements as of 31 December 2020

                   1.  Activities                                                                            2.  Economic dependency                                                                    3.  Basis of preparation and significant accounting policies

                   The Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) was established by the                                   The QFC Regulatory Authority is dependent on                                               3.1  Basis of preparation                                                                  3.2  Changes in accounting
                   State of Qatar pursuant to Law No. 7 of 2005 to attract                                   appropriations from the Government of the State of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   policies and disclosures
                   international financial institutions and multinational                                    Qatar to fund its operating and capital expenditure.                                       Statement of compliance

                   corporations to establish business in international                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The accounting policies adopted are consistent

                   banking, financial services, insurance, corporate head                                    During the year, the Government provided the QFC                                           The financial statements have been prepared in                                             with those of the previous financial year, except

                   office functions and related activities within Qatar.                                     Regulatory Authority with appropriations amounting to                                      accordance with International Financial Reporting                                          for the following new and amended IFRS recently
                                                                                                             USD 35,327 thousand (2019: USD 37,651 thousand),                                           Standards (“IFRS”) issued by the International                                             issued by the IASB and International Financial

                   The Qatar Financial Centre is organised into four                                         including appropriations received in advance USD                                           Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”) and the applicable                                     Reporting Interpretations Committee (“IFRIC”)

                   authorities: the QFC Authority (QFCA), the QFC                                            1,137 thousand (2019: USD 2,615 thousand).                                                 provisions of Qatar Financial Centre Law No. 7 of 2005.                                    interpretations effective as of January 1, 2020.
                   Regulatory Authority (QFC Regulatory Authority), QFC                                      After adjusting for the movement in appropriations

                   Civil and Commercial Court (Court) and QFC Regulatory                                     received in advance and appropriations receivable                                          The financial statements have been

                   Tribunal (Tribunal). The QFCA, the QFC Regulatory                                         of USD 4,805 thousand (2019: USD 3,964), USD                                               prepared on the historical cost basis.                                                     3.2.1  New and amended IFRS Standards

                   Authority, the Court and Tribunal are independent                                         37,647 thousand was recognised in the statement                                                                                                                                       that are effective for the current year

                   of each other and the Government of Qatar.                                                of comprehensive income for the year ended 31                                              The functional currency of the QFC Regulatory
                                                                                                             December 2020 (2019: USD 39,082 thousand).                                                 Authority is Qatari Riyals (“QAR”). However, these                                         The following new and revised IFRSs, which

                   The QFC Regulatory Authority, the independent                                                                                                                                        financial statements have been presented in                                                became effective for annual periods beginning

                   regulatory body, regulates licenses and supervises                                        As per Article 14 of Qatar Financial Centre Law No.                                        United States Dollars (“USD”), which is the QFC                                            on or after January 1, 2020, have been adopted
                   financial services and other firms that conduct                                           7 of 2005, the QFC Regulatory Authority has the                                            Regulatory Authority’s presentation currency as QFC                                        in these financial statements.

                   activities in, or from, the Qatar Financial Centre. The                                   right to retain any excess appropriations provided                                         Regulatory Authority was established to authorise and

                   registered office of the QFC Regulatory Authority is                                      by the Government; these appropriations have                                               regulate firms and individuals conducting financial

                   located at P.O. Box 22989, Doha, State of Qatar.                                          been treated as part of retained surplus.                                                  services in or from the Qatar Financial Centre.

                   These financial statements only relate to the                                             There was a transfer of USD 2,000 thousands to

                   income, expenses, assets and liabilities of the                                           general reserve from retained surplus during the                                           As the Qatari Riyal is pegged to the USD, the balances

                   QFC Regulatory Authority and do not extend                                                year (2019: USD Nil), noting that any transfer of                                          and transactions in Qatari Riyals have been translated
                   to include any other bodies of the QFC.                                                   amounts to and from the general reserve requires                                           to USD at the fixed exchange rate of 3.645 Qatari Riyals

                                                                                                             the approval of the Board of Directors.                                                    to USD and all financial information presented in USD

                   The financial statements of the QFC Regulatory                                                                                                                                       has been rounded to the nearest thousand USD.

                   Authority as of 31 December 2020 were authorised for

                   issue by the Board of Directors on 30 March 2021.

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