Page 116 - Annual Report 2020
P. 116
/ 111 QF CR A ANNU AL REP OR T 2020
Amendments to IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Effective for annual periods 3.3 Summary of significant accounting policies
Statements and IAS 28 Investments in Associates beginning on or after
and Joint Ventures (2011) relating to the treatment Effective date deferred Revenue recognition Interest income
of the sale or contribution of assets from and indefinitely. Adoption is
investor to its associate or joint venture. still permitted. Fee income earned from services that are provided over Interest income is recognised on an accrual basis,
a certain period of time using the effective interest rate method (EIR).
The amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28 deal with
situations where there is a sale or contribution of Fee income earned for the provision of services over a
Appropriations from the Government
assets between an investor and its associate or joint period of time is accrued over that period. This includes
venture. Specifically, the amendments state that annual license fees earned from regulated entities.
Appropriations from the Government are recognised
gains or losses resulting from the loss of control of
at their fair value when there is a reasonable
a subsidiary that does not contain a business in a Fee income arising on application processing is
assurance that the appropriations will be received
transaction with an associate or a joint venture that is non-refundable and, accordingly, is recognised as
by the QFC Regulatory Authority and are recognised
accounted for using the equity method, are recognised income when received.
in the statement of comprehensive income over
in the parent’s profit or loss only to the extent of the
the period necessary to match them with the costs
unrelated investors’ interests in that associate or joint
Financial penalties that they are intended to compensate. The excess
venture. Similarly, gains and losses resulting from
appropriations provided by the Government are treated
the remeasurement of investments retained in any
Under the Financial Services Regulations (FSR), the QFC as appropriations received in advance under accounts
former subsidiary (that has become an associate or
Regulatory Authority has the power to impose financial payable and accrual and are carried forward to next year.
a joint venture that is accounted for using the equity
penalties where it considers that a Person (as defined in
method) to fair value are recognised in the former
the FSR) has contravened a relevant requirement set out
parent’s profit or loss only to the extent of the unrelated
in Article 84 (1) of the FSR. The principles to be followed
investors’ interests in the new associate or joint venture.
by the QFC Regulatory Authority in determining the
Effective date deferred indefinitely. Adoption is
amount of any financial penalty to be imposed in respect
still permitted.
of such contraventions are set out in the QFC Regulatory
Authority’s “Enforcement Policy Statement 2012”. The
Management anticipates that these new standards,
financial penalties are accounted on an accrual basis
interpretations and amendments will be adopted in the
on the date stipulated in the order and the income is
QFC Regulatory Authority financial statements as and
reported in the statement of comprehensive income.
when they are applicable and adoption of these new
standards, interpretations and amendments, except
as highlighted in previous paragraphs, may have no
material impact on the financial statements of the QFC
Regulatory Authority in the period of initial application.