Page 112 - Annual Report 2020
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/ 107                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       QF CR A ANNU AL REP OR T 2020

                   New and revised IFRSs                                                                     Effective for annual periods

                                                                                                             beginning on or after
                   Amendments to IFRS 7, IFRS 9 and IAS 39 Interest                                          1 January 2020

                   Rate Benchmark Reform

                   The amendments to IFRS 9 and IAS 39 Financial                                             The amendments clarify that while businesses                                               version of the Framework they are referencing to (the

                   Instruments: Recognition and Measurement provide                                          usually have outputs, outputs are not required for an                                      IASC Framework adopted by the IASB in 2001, the IASB

                   a number of reliefs, which apply to all hedging                                           integrated set of activities and assets to qualify as a                                    Framework of 2010, or the new revised Framework of

                   relationships that are directly affected by interest                                      business. To be considered a business, an acquired set                                     2018) or to indicate that definitions in the Standard
                   rate benchmark reform. A hedging relationship is                                          of activities and assets must include, at a minimum,                                       have not been updated with the new definitions

                   affected if the reform gives rise to uncertainty about                                    an input and a substantive process that together                                           developed in the revised Conceptual Framework.

                   the timing and/or amount of benchmark-based cash                                          significantly contribute to the ability to create outputs.

                   flows of the hedged item or the hedging instrument.                                                                                                                                  The Standards which are amended are IFRS 2, IFRS 3,
                   These amendments have no impact on the financial                                          The amendments remove the assessment of whether                                            IFRS 6, IFRS 14, IAS 1, IAS 8, IAS 34, IAS 37, IAS 38,

                   statements of the QFC Regulatory Authority as it does                                     market participants are capable of replacing any                                           IFRIC 12, IFRIC 19, IFRIC 20, IFRIC 22, and SIC-32.

                   not have any interest rate hedge relationships.                                           missing inputs or processes and continuing to

                                                                                                             produce outputs. The amendments also introduce                                             IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures and IFRS 9
                   Definition of Material - Amendments to                                                    additional guidance that helps to determine whether                                        — Financial Instruments

                   IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements                                                a substantive process has been acquired.

                   and IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes

                   in Accounting Estimates and Errors                                                        The amendments introduce an optional concentration
                                                                                                             test that permits a simplified assessment of whether

                   The amendments make the definition of material                                            an acquired set of activities and assets is not a

                   in IAS 1 easier to understand and are not intended                                        business. Under the optional concentration test,

                   to alter the underlying concept of materiality                                            the acquired set of activities and assets is not a
                   in IFRS Standards. The concept of ‹obscuring›                                             business if substantially all of the fair value of the

                   material information with immaterial information                                          gross assets acquired is concentrated in a single

                   has been included as part of the new definition.                                          identifiable asset or group of similar assets. The

                                                                                                             amendments are applied prospectively to all business
                   The threshold for materiality influencing users has                                       combinations and asset acquisitions for which the

                   been changed from “could” influence “to” could                                            acquisition date is on or after 1 January 2020.

                   reasonably be expected to influence›. The definition

                   of material in IAS 8 has been replaced by a reference                                     Amendments to References to the Conceptual
                   to the definition of material in IAS 1. In addition, the                                  Framework in IFRS Standards

                   IASB amended other Standards and the Conceptual
                                                                                                             The amendments include consequential amendments
                   Framework that contains a definition of ‹material› or
                                                                                                             to affected Standards so that they refer to the new
                   refer to the term ‘material’ to ensure consistency.
                                                                                                             Framework. Not all amendments, however, update
                                                                                                             those pronouncements with regard to references
                   Definition of a Business – Amendments
                                                                                                             to and quotes from the Framework so that they
                   to IFRS 3 Business Combinations
                                                                                                             refer to the revised Conceptual Framework. Some
                                                                                                             pronouncements are only updated to indicate which

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