Page 134 - Annual Report 2020
P. 134

/ 129                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       QF CR A ANNU AL REP OR T 2020

                   19.  Significant assumptions, estimates and judgements

                   The preparation of the QFC Regulatory Authority’s                                         Determining the lease term                                                                 Significant increase in credit risk                                                        Calculation of loss allowance

                   financial statements requires management to                                               In determining the lease term, management considers                                        ECL are measured as an allowance equal to 12-month                                         When measuring ECL, the Regulatory Authority uses

                   make judgements, estimates and assumptions                                                all facts and circumstances that create an economic                                        ECL for stage 1 assets, or lifetime ECL assets for                                         reasonable and supportable forward looking information,
                   that affect the reported amounts recognised in                                            incentive to exercise an extension option, or not                                          stage 2 or stage 3 assets. An asset moves to stage                                         which is based on assumptions for the future movement

                   the financial statements and certain disclosures.                                         exercise a termination option. Extension options (or                                       2 when its credit risk has increased significantly                                         of different economic drivers and how these drivers

                   However, uncertainty about these assumptions                                              periods after termination options) are only included                                       since initial recognition. IFRS 9 does not define what                                     will affect each other. The Regulatory Authority

                   and estimates could result in outcomes that could                                         in the lease term if the lease is reasonably certain to                                    constitutes a significant increase in credit risk. In                                      uses estimates for the computation of loss rates.
                   require a material adjustment to the carrying amount                                      be extended (or not terminated). Potential future cash                                     assessing whether the credit risk of an asset has

                   of the asset or liability affected in future periods.                                     outflows have not been included in the lease liability                                     significantly increased the Regulatory Authority takes                                     Loss given default is an estimate of the loss arising

                                                                                                             because it is not reasonably certain that the leases                                       into account qualitative and quantitative reasonable                                       on default. It is based on the difference between the

                   The key assumptions concerning the future and                                             will be extended (or not terminated). The assessment                                       and supportable forward looking information.                                               contractual cash flows due and those that the lender
                   other key sources of estimation uncertainty at                                            is reviewed if a significant event or a significant                                                                                                                                   would expect to receive, taking into account cash flows

                   the reporting date that have a significant risk of                                        change in circumstances occurs which affects this                                          The historical loss rates are adjusted to reflect current                                  from collateral and integral credit enhancements.

                   causing a material adjustment to the carrying                                             assessment and that is within the control of the lessee.                                   and forward-looking information on macroeconomic

                   amounts of assets and liabilities within the                                                                                                                                         factors affecting the ability of the firms to settle the                                   Going concern
                   next financial year are described below.                                                  Leases - estimating the incremental borrowing rate                                         receivables. The Regulatory Authority has identified                                       The QFC Regulatory Authority’s management

                                                                                                             The QFC Regulatory Authority cannot readily determine                                      the GDP of the state of Qatar to be the most relevant                                      has made an assessment of its ability to continue

                   Useful lives of furniture and equipment                                                   the interest rate implicit in the lease, therefore, it uses                                factor, and accordingly adjusts the historical loss rates                                  as a going concern and is satisfied that the QFC

                   and Rights of Use assets                                                                  its incremental borrowing rate (IBR) to measure lease                                      based on expected changes in GDP. The Regulatory                                           Regulatory Authority has the resources to continue
                   The QFC Regulatory Authority’s management                                                 liabilities. The IBR is the rate of interest that the QFC                                  Authority has recognised a loss allowance of USD                                           in business for the foreseeable future. Furthermore,

                   determines the estimated useful lives of its furniture and                                Regulatory Authority would have to pay to borrow over                                      6,974 thousands against all financial assets.                                              the management is not aware of any material

                   equipment for calculating depreciation. The estimate is                                   a similar term, and with a similar security, the funds                                                                                                                                uncertainties that may cast significant doubt upon

                   determined after considering the expected usage of the                                    necessary to obtain an asset of a similar value to the                                                                                                                                the QFC Regulatory Authority’s ability to continue as
                   asset or physical wear and tear. Management reviews                                       right-of-use asset in a similar economic environment.                                                                                                                                 a going concern. Therefore, the financial statements

                   the residual value and useful lives annually; future                                      The IBR therefore reflects what the QFC Regulatory                                                                                                                                    continue to be prepared on a going concern basis.

                   depreciation charge is adjusted where the management                                      Authority ‘‘would have to pay’’, which requires estimation

                   believes the useful lives differ from previous estimates.                                 when no observable rates are available. The QFC
                                                                                                             Regulatory Authority estimates the IBR using observable

                   Useful lives of intangible assets                                                         inputs (such as market interest rates) when available

                   The QFC Regulatory Authority’s management determines                                      and is required to make certain entity-specific estimates.

                   the estimated useful lives of its intangible assets with
                   finite life time for calculating amortisation. The estimate

                   is determined after considering the expected usage

                   of the intangible asset or technological obsolescence.

                   Management reviews the useful lives annually; future
                   amortisation charge is adjusted where the management

                   believes the useful lives differ from previous estimates.

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