Strategic Goal 5: Promoting regulatory cooperation

An effective regulatory regime takes appropriate enforcement action when there are breaches of rules or regulations. The regulatory authorities are committed to maintaining the highest standards of behaviour for individuals and companies working in the financial sector in Qatar, and will move quickly and appropriately to address any conduct that may cause damage to the sector and the reputation of Qatar.

The framework of policies and procedures that support and reinforce the culture of compliance is equally important to maintaining high standards of business conduct. Enforcement policies must be fair and transparent. This is best achieved when the regulatory authorities act with determination and decisiveness and are proportionate in addressing areas of non-compliance. Keeping the public informed of enforcement actions can serve to deter future transgressions and to provide public confidence in the financial sector.

A final but important consideration for the authorities will be to not only enhance efforts to work closely with one another, but also to work more closely with international regulators and other national regulators to ensure the effective exchanges of information and adherence to the highest international standards.