Strategic Goal 4: Protecting Consumers and Investors

A market economy can only function efficiently if legal contracts are binding and enforceable. By ensuring this outcome, authorities can reinforce confidence in the market mechanism among potential customers. An important step in this regard is to prepare regulations for financial institutions relating to consumer and investor protection.

Consistent internal policies will be established in the QCB, the QFMA and the QFCRA for (i) addressing consumer and investor complaints and (ii) devising procedures for mediation of complaints. At the same time, consumer and investor awareness will be increased through education initiatives and publication of consumer and investor information on the website of the regulatory authorities. In addition, consumer and investor complaints divisions in the three regulatory authorities will be reinforced and empowered to coordinate and harmonise the handling of consumer disputes and complaints. Complaints must be addressed in a timely and efficient manner without imposing unreasonable costs. Protection of consumers and investors, especially those who are most vulnerable, must be an important component of governance policies of financial service providers.