Page 58 - Annual Report 2021 EN
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Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) International Association of Partnering on FinTech initiatives Sustainability and Green Finance
Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)
In 2021, the QFCRA became a member of the IFSB In 2021, the State of Qatar continued its work through The importance of the development of a long-
working group related to the development of a Technical The QFCRA has been a member of the IAIS Operational the Qatar National FinTech Task Force. Led by the QCB term sustainable finance strategy (i.e., addressing
Note on Recovery and Resolution (TNRR) for Institutions Resilience Task Force (ORTF) since 2020. The ORTF and Qatar Development Bank, the task force brings environmental, social, and governance (ESG)) and
offering Islamic Financial Services. The primary objective aims to identify and assess factors and developments together Qatar’s three financial regulators and potential identifying and addressing risks related to climate
of the TNRR is to assist regulatory and supervisory that may affect operational resilience in the insurance FinTech stakeholders and market participants. The change are becoming an increasingly important
authorities to establish an effective RR framework for sector regarding IT third-party outsourcing and QCB launched its sandbox banking service platform focus for the corporate and financial services sector,
Islamic financial firms. The working group has adopted insurance sector cyber resilience and take stock of to support and promote FinTech. This initiative international standard setters, and rating agencies, and
a supplementary approach to the Financial Stability and review relevant best practices from both the (re) is part of the State’s objective to transform Qatar influencing the behaviour of consumers and investors.
Board’s Key Attributes (KA) of Effective Resolution insurers’ and supervisors’ perspectives. The QFCRA into a knowledge-based society and enable the
Regimes for conventional financial institutions; and has continued its participation in the ORTF during 2021, country to emerge as a regional hub for innovative In that connection, the QFCRA has undertaken
developed complementary standards and information on its work to develop supervisory guidance in the field technology and services. A QCB FinTech Committee preparatory work with the QCB and the QFMA
addressing the idiosyncrasies of Islamic Finance and of operational resilience, specifically on IT third-party comprising QCB and QFCRA staff along with other to establish a working group in order to develop
Shari’a compliance requirements applicable to each outsourcing and insurance sector cyber resilience. key Government stakeholders assessed the first and implement a national strategy and focussed
KA. The IFSB will publish the final TNRR in 2022. wave of applicants to the regulatory sandbox. approach to sustainability issues addressing
considerations related to: (i) reorienting capital
In October 2021, the QFCRA became a member Partnering with peer regulators flows towards sustainable investment to achieve
of the Working Group for the Revised IFSB Guiding and other agencies in Qatar sustainable growth, (ii) managing financial risks
Principles on Corporate Governance for Institutions stemming from climate change, and (iii) fostering
offering Islamic Financial Services (Banking Segment). The QFCRA has continued to work closely with the Qatar transparent and long-termism in financial activity.
The aim of this Working Group is to provide an Central Bank (QCB) and the Qatar Financial Markets
international benchmark standard, and to promote a Authority (QFMA) under the auspices of the Financial To this end, the QFCRA has engaged with the Network
sound regulatory and supervisory system delivering Stability and Risk Control Committee chaired by the for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) and the
a fair, safe and stable Banking sector for the benefit Governor of the QCB and Chairman of the QFCRA. International Platform on Sustainable Finance (IPSF).
and protection of the interests of industry players,
customers and other relevant stakeholders. The QFCRA continues to participate in consultations Moreover, the QFCRA aims to harness its own
with the QCB, QFCA and the QFMA on new involvement in global forums to bring global best-
and amended regulations and rules to provide practices to the development of sustainable finance
feedback, ensuring that the QCB, QFCA and QFMA in the QFC and is a member of sustainable finance
regulatory and legal frameworks remain relevant networks within the IOSCO and the Toronto Centre.
and benchmarked to international best practices.