Page 59 - Annual Report 2021 EN
P. 59

/ 59                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     T ABLE OF C ONTENT S

                   International Co-operation

                   International and domestic

                   co-operation and engagement

                   Since its establishment, the QFCRA has entered into
                   2 multilateral agreements, 46 bilateral Memoranda

                   of Understanding, and 24 Alternative Investment

                   Fund Managers Memoranda of Understanding,
                   with a broad range of international jurisdictions.

                   5 Memoranda of Understanding in 2021:

                   •  MoU with China Banking and Insurance

                      Regulatory Commission

                   •  MoU with the Capital Markets Board of Turkey

                   •  MoU with Mauritius Financial Services Commission
                   •  MoU with Accounting and Auditing Organization

                      for Islamic Financial Institutions

                   •  MoU with Qatar Public Prosecution
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