Page 55 - Annual Report 2022 EN
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                   University outreach

                   The QFCRA made great strides in creating a legacy of financial regulation
                   for Qatar and promoting the financial sector as a career choice in 2022.

                   Education City Career Fair 2022

                   The QFCRA Nationalisation team participated in the annual Education City Career

                   Fair in March alongside more than 80 public and private sector organisations in

                   Qatar. Internship and job opportunities were presented to undergraduate students

                   in EC universities offering degrees in areas related to the QFCRA’s core business.

                   Qatar University Employers’ Recognition Ceremony 2022


                   In appreciation of its ongoing involvement with Qatar University and for providing
                   internships and job opportunities to graduates of the university, the QFCRA was

                   awarded during the annual Qatar University Employers’ Recognition Ceremony.
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