Page 103 - Annual Report 2017
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CORPORATE SERVICES Satisfaction Survey
Shared strategies to develop In January of 2017, Corporate Services administered a satisfac-
human capital tion survey to all employees of the Regulatory Authority. This action
was taken to address the second divisional goal, the creation of
The finance sector is a key area of focus for Qatar, with the State’s a notable customer satisfaction index. Employees were asked to
regulators playing an important role in the industry’s development. rate customer service for each department in the division, as well
Working hand in hand with this National Vision is the Second Stra- as the division overall. With an excellent response rate, employees
tegic Plan for Financial Sector Regulation 2017-2022, a shared rated the division a score of 4 on a scale of 1(worst) to 5 (best),
strategy developed by the Qatar Central Bank, the Qatar Financial establishing a benchmark for regular assessments in coming years
Markets Authority and the Regulatory Authority. The Strategic Plan and a way to measure and build on progress.
serves as a roadmap to navigate the opportunities and challenges
that lie ahead to 2022.
A wealth of partnerships
For Corporate Services, the direction is clear: the sustainable,
long-term development of young Qataris into dedicated profes- The creation of organisational efficiencies was best demonstrated
sionals and leaders for the Regulatory Authority is of paramount by the many partnerships that took shape throughout the year. A
importance. partnership with the Qatar Central Bank and the Qatar Financial
Markets Authority for a Master’s programme in Financial Regula-
tion and Leadership served the needs of all three organisations to
A corporate strategy realised develop their Qatari staff in core business areas.
On the Human Resources front, that department partnered with
Operational excellence was the standard-bearer for the Corpo-
rate Services division in 2017. In the second year of a three-year the Chartered Institute of Professional Development UK to create
strategy for continuous improvement, Corporate Services, including a first-in-Qatar systemic approach to building specialised skills and
the Administration, Corporate Communications, Human Resources, credentials for the entire team. Also driving the Regulatory Author-
Information Technology, Office of the General Counsel, Opera- ity vision of creating a legacy of financial regulators for Qatar is a
tions, Strategy and Organisational Development, and Translation new relationship with two secondary schools, where their students
departments, realised significant achievements against objectives visit the Regulatory Authority for exposure to careers in financial
that ranged from the standardisation and streamlining of processes regulation.
and policies to the adoption of best practice in areas of new
In July, 2017, Rinith KT, Systems Manager, Information Technology,
The chief goals and objectives of the division were threefold: to
achieve international accreditation, recognition or an industry recreated the famed local portrait, Tamim Al Majd, in chalk at the
award within three years; to create a notable customer satisfaction Regulatory Authority offices. The original portrait was created by
index within three years; and to create a platform of innovation for young Qatari artist Ahmed Al Maadheed in support of Qatar and
organisational efficiencies. its leadership early in the blockade. The image went viral, and
continues to be a vivid part of the Doha landscape.