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 Al Masar Achievements 2017    Master’s degree in Financial Regulation and

 Al Masar Secondment Programme  In 2016, to support and build future Qatari regulatory leaders,
 the Regulatory Authority partnered with the Qatar Central Bank
 In 2016, the Regulatory Authority partnered with Pricewaterhouse-   and the Qatar Financial Markets Authority to build a customised
 Coopers to help develop new leaders. As a result, Qatari employees   master’s degree programme to develop employees of the three
 at the Regulatory Authority now have an unusual support mech-  organisations.
 anism in place by which to drive their own career development
 – the opportunity for local, regional and international secondment   HEC Paris in Qatar was selected from a pool of educational pro-
 during the third phase of Al Masar. The first secondment was a six-  viders by an advisory panel after the Regulatory Authority issued
 month placement in 2017, with a second employee to follow in   an RFP for educational services.
 Programme development commenced in 2017, as well as a rigorous
 The First Al Masar Secondment  selection process. The second phase of interviews was conducted
 in June with students presenting case studies to the HEC admissions
 Maryam Mohammed, Associate Director in the Policy department,   panel, which then selected final candidates.
 was the first Regulatory Authority employee to be placed on an Al
 Masar secondment. When Al Masar launched in September 2015,   The first day of classes commenced 5 November 2017. The inau-
 the secondment programme was a priority project for the Al Masar   gural Class of 2019 consists of 17 students, of which three are
 team. Details were finalised with PricewaterhouseCoopers a year   employed by the Regulatory Authority, in Insurance Supervision
 later, and Maryam’s PwC placement began in February 2017. Early   and Bank Supervision.
 in her time with PwC, Maryam was surprised to learn that she was
 the first Qatari to work at PwC worldwide. That April, she updated
 her Regulatory Authority colleagues with a dispatch in the internal   The custom master’s degree programme for finan-
 newsletter, Jareedatna:  cial regulators is the first of its kind in the region,
 and one of only a handful worldwide.
 “Although it is early days in my secondment I feel it has been a
 valuable experience. I have been able to put in practice things I
 learned during my MBA and put my work experience at the Reg-
 ulatory Authority to good use while learning about the consulting
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