Page 105 - Annual Report 2017
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 NATIONALISATION  HR MENA Excellence Award Winner, 2017

 Creating a Legacy of Financial Regulation    In May 2017, Al Masar, the Regulatory Authority’s learning and
 for Qatar   development programme, received the top award in the “Best
 Nationalisation Initiative” category from the HR MENA Excellence
 Awards. This honour confirmed the leading-edge strategy and
 Qatar’s National Vision 2030 envisions the country’s path to a knowl-  innovative,  comprehensive  approach  to  nationalisation,  and
 edge-based society with substantial business sectors in areas other   quantifiable results of the programme on a regional basis as it
 than fossil fuels.
 acknowledged the achievement of the first of the division’s stated
 To support this vision, in 2014, the Regulatory Authority established   strategic goals.
 a dedicated Nationalisation department, and in September, 2015,
 launched an ambitious learning and development programme,
 Al Masar, for both Qatari fresh graduates and more seasoned
 Qatari employees. The programme was designed to address the   Left to right, Nicholas Watson, Managing Director, Naseba Group,
 Regulatory Authority’s need for qualified subject matter experts   presents the Best Nationalisation Initiative award to Eisa Ahmed
 and leaders, and to create a lasting legacy of financial regula-  Abdulla, Najat El Mahdy and Wadha Al Jaber at the Dubai cere-
 tion for the State of Qatar. Recruitment targets are individuals who   mony in May, 2017
 are interested in careers in core business areas of Supervision and
 Authorisation, and Policy and Enforcement.
 The custom programme guides Qatari employees through five
 developmental stages at his or her own pace, brought to life with
 defined competencies, professional training, coaching, seminars
 and staff mentoring.
 The experience is self-driven, with the employee moving through
 core skills function rotation, work-based assignments and profes-
 sional certificates, international assignment and local secondments,
 a master’s or advanced degree relevant to Regulatory Authority
 subject matter, and leadership preparation. Employees have cus-
 tomised individual development plans to help them achieve their
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