Page 109 - Annual Report 2017
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 Promoting Careers in Financial Regulation in   Student Haya Al-Ansari, 17, said “The presentation increased my
 Secondary Schools  understanding of the insurance industry. I knew about motor and
 health insurance, but was unaware of life insurance. And now I
 understand what happens with the funding of takaful insurance,
 The Al Masar strategy calls for the Regulatory Authority to reach
 out to secondary school students in Qatar to acquaint them with   which was a mystery to me until Ms Shaheen explained it.”
 career possibilities in Qatar’s financial sector. To that end, the Regu-  School Principal Dhabya Al Buenain said,
 latory Authority signed a Memorandum of Understanding with two
 unique secondary schools on 23 March 2017.

 The Qatar Banking Studies and Business Administration Indepen-  “We have some of the top achievers in Qatar in
 dent Secondary School for Boys (QBSBAS) and the companion
 School for Girls are a joint initiative of the Qatar Central Bank and   this school. Most of our students have been in con-
 the Ministry of Education. The schools provide a specialised educa-  tests and exhibitions and have won prizes for their
 tion to prepare 80 students in grades 10-12 for careers in financial   work. I’m glad they’re getting a glimpse of the
 institutions including banks, financial services companies, the stock   financial sector through the eyes of Qatari women
 exchange and financial regulation.   leaders.”

 Under the agreement, the Regulatory Authority is providing summer
 internships for select QBSBAS students; hosting seminars on Qatar’s   Al Masar Scholarship
 financial policies and regulations at the schools; bringing students
 to the Regulatory Authority on a regular basis for informal familia-  To create a talent pipeline of future financial regulators for the next
 risation meetings with Qatari employees from the core business   decade, the Regulatory Authority worked with the Ministry of Admin-
 areas; and recruiting qualified students for an Al Masar Scholarship   istrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs to develop the
 programme.   Al Masar Scholarship for high school students interested in careers
 in the finance sector. The Al Masar Scholarship was announced in
 the fall of 2017 to students of the two secondary banking schools,
 Banking on the Future   with the official launch of the programme in September 2018.

 In October 2017, two Regulatory Authority staff members visited the
 Qatar Banking Studies and Business Administration Independent
 Secondary School for Girls to talk to Year 11 and 12 students.
 For Maryam Mohammed, Associate Director, Policy, the job was
 to increase awareness of the Qatar Financial Centre, and the role
 the Regulatory Authority plays as a financial regulator in Qatar with
 the Qatar Central Bank and the Qatar Financial Markets Authority.

 Reem Shaheen’s classroom visit to Year 12 students followed a
 week later. The Senior Associate, Insurance Supervision discussed
 the specific career path of insurance supervision at the Regulatory
                                                                             Dhabya Al Buenain, Principal of QBSBAS School for Girls and Ahmed
                                                                             Yousef Al-Mahmoud, Principal of QBSBAS School for Boys, signed
                                                                             the agreement on behalf of their schools with Eisa Ahmed Abdulla,
                                                                             Regulatory Authority Chief Operating Officer and Managing Direc-
                                                                             tor, Corporate Services, centre, at the signing ceremony
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