Page 73 - Annual Report 2020
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/ 68                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        QF CR A ANNU AL REP OR T 2020

                              Date                         Jurisdiction                               Regulator                                                                                           Type of agreement

                   20         09/12/2010                   Ireland                                    Central Bank of Ireland                                                                             MOU

                   21         02/08/2011                   Turkey                                     Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency of Turkey                                                 MOU

                   22         04/08/2011                   India                                      Reserve Bank of India                                                                               MOU

                   23         05/10/2011                   Japan                                      Financial Services Agency                                                                           LOE

                   24         01/12/2011                   United Kingdom                             Financial Services Authority                                                                        Co-operation Agreement

                   25         19/01/2012                   China                                      China Banking Regulatory Commission                                                                 Addendum to MOU- statement of co-operation on crisis management

                   26         13/03/2012                   Malta                                      Malta Financial Services Authority                                                                  MOU

                   27         13/03/2012                   Luxembourg                                 Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier                                                     MOU

                   28         02/08/2012                   Qatar                                      QCB, QFMA                                                                                           MOU

                   29         15/12/2014                   Lebanon                                    Capital Markets Authority                                                                           MOU

                   30         28/12/2014                   Italy                                      Bank of Italy                                                                                       MOU

                   31         25/10/2015                   Kazakhstan                                 National Bank of Kazakhstan                                                                         MOU

                   32         31/08/2016                   Kazakhstan                                 Astana International Financial Centre                                                               MOU

                   33         03/11/2016                   Kuwait                                     Capital Markets Authority                                                                           MOU

                   34         27/03/2018                   Qatar                                      Qatar Financial Markets Authority                                                                   MOU

                   35         03/07/2018                   Astana International                       Astana Financial Services Authority                                                                 MOU

                                                           Financial Centre

                   36         07/02/2019                   Qatar                                      Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry                                                              MOU

                   37         19/02/2019                   Qatar                                      Qatar Computer Research Institute                                                                   MOU

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