Page 71 - Annual Report 2020
P. 71
/ 66 QF CR A ANNU AL REP OR T 2020
Policy and Legislative Counsel
Regulatory policy initiatives Prudential banking framework New Representative Office framework International and domestic
co-operation and engagement
A key focus of work for the Policy and Legislative The Regulatory Authority has continued its policy work In October 2020, the Regulatory Authority introduced
Counsel departments of the Regulatory Authority in on the implementation of the Basel III framework as set new rules for a Representative Office framework Since its establishment, the Regulatory Authority
2020 was to finalise rules to strengthen its corporate out in the standards published by the Basel Committee that permits financial services firms to undertake a has entered into two multilateral agreements,
governance and prudential framework with the on Banking Supervision (BCBS) and the Islamic Financial limited range of activities in respect of services or 42 bilateral Memoranda of Understanding,
upgrading of corporate governance and operational Services Board (IFSB). The Basel framework includes products offered by its head office or corporate group. and 24 Alternative Investment Fund Managers
risk rule requirements for authorised firms. a range of prudential banking reforms, which aim to The activities of a Representative Office may include Memoranda of Understanding with a broad
strengthen bank capital requirements to address, among providing information to prospective customers range of international jurisdictions.
The departments also finalised rules for the introduction other risks, the operational risks that are inherent in all of the head office, carrying out market research,
of a representative office framework and a package of banking products, activities, processes, and systems. assessing business trends and opportunities for the
miscellaneous amendments to various rulebooks. head office, acting as a channel of communication
to the head office and generic marketing.
Operational risk
Corporate governance
Following an extensive review and consultation, the Miscellaneous rule amendments
In July 2020, the Regulatory Authority introduced Regulatory Authority introduced upgraded operational
upgraded corporate governance rules for authorised risk requirements in July 2020. The rules strengthened In October 2020, the Regulatory Authority introduced
firms. The rules were developed to consider relevant the existing qualitative operational risk management a package of miscellaneous amendments to various
developments in international best practice and to framework and introduced new quantitative operational rulebooks. Within the package of amendments, changes
appropriately align with the corporate governance risk requirements that are both proportionate and were introduced through the Collective Investment
frameworks of the Qatar Central Bank and the Qatar aligned with the latest BCBS and IFSB standards. The Schemes Rules 2010 (COLL) in respect of Real Estate
Financial Markets Authority. The rules introduced a new framework requires authorised firms to implement a Investment Trusts (REITs). Other changes were
overarching transparency principle requiring the boards robust operational risk management framework that introduced to the General Rules 2006 (GENE) relating
of authorised firms to provide stakeholders with enough considers their risk appetite, risk profile and market to the regulation of captive finance and providing leases
information to allow them to assess the effectiveness and macroeconomic conditions. This includes prudent and clarification of the application of the ‘late fees’
of the board and senior management in managing policies and processes to identify, assess, evaluate, framework to late submissions of regulatory reports.
the firm. The rules also strengthened requirements monitor, report and control or mitigate operational
around board composition and board committees, risk. The new rules were introduced in the updated
as well as accountability and risk management Banking Business Prudential Rules 2014 and the
practices at board and senior management level. Islamic Banking Business Prudential Rules 2015.