Page 74 - Annual Report 2020
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/ 69                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        QF CR A ANNU AL REP OR T 2020

                              Date                         Jurisdiction                               Regulator                                                                                           Type of agreement

                   38         07/03/2019                   Oman                                       Central Bank of Oman                                                                                MOU

                   39         14/03/2019                   Qatar                                      QFMA. QCB, Q-FIU                                                                                    MOU

                   40         05/12/2019                   Qatar                                      Ministry of Justice                                                                                 MOU

                   41         10/12/2019                   Qatar                                      Ministry of Commerce and Industry                                                                   MOU

                   42         15/10/2020                   Qatar                                      College of Public Policy, Hamad Bin Khalifa University                                              MOU

                   The Alternative Investment                                                                                                                                                           International cooperation requests

                   Fund Managers Directive
                                                                                                                                                                                                        The Regulatory Authority has the power to assist

                   The Regulatory Authority maintains 24 Memoranda                                           *An updated AIFMD MoU was signed with the                                                  overseas regulatory authorities with their supervisory
                   of Understanding (MoU) with securities regulators                                         United Kingdom (UK) and became effective on                                                and enforcement activities. Additionally, as part of the

                   in the European Union. The MoUs were coordinated                                          the UK’s departure from the European Union.                                                Regulatory Authority’s supervisory and enforcement

                   by the European Securities and Markets Authority                                                                                                                                     activities, the Regulatory Authority makes information

                   (ESMA) and reflect its review of the QFC’s legislative                                                                                                                               requests to overseas regulatory authorities.
                   and supervisory framework and its approval of the
                                                                                                             International Association of
                   Regulatory Authority as an MoU counterparty.
                                                                                                             Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)                                                               2020 requests

                   The signatories to the MoUs with the Regulatory
                                                                                                             In 2020, the Regulatory Authority became a member                                          Outgoing requests             –    88
                   Authority include the following securities regulators:
                                                                                                             of the IAIS Operational Resilience Task Force (ORTF),                                      Incoming requests             –    6

                                                                                                             whose aim is to identify and assess factors and
                   Austria                    Ireland                    Romania
                                                                                                             developments that may affect operational resilience
                   Bulgaria                   Latvia                     Slovak Republic
                                                                                                             in the insurance sector regarding IT third-party
                   Cyprus                     Lichtenstein               Sweden
                                                                                                             outsourcing and insurance sector cyber resilience, and
                   Croatia                    Lithuania                  United Kingdom*
                                                                                                             take stock of and review relevant best practices both
                   Denmark                    Luxembourg
                                                                                                             from the (re)insurers and supervisors’ perspectives.
                   Estonia                    Malta
                                                                                                             The ORTF proposes to develop supervisory
                   Finland                    Netherlands
                                                                                                             supporting material (such as Issues Papers and
                   France                     Norway
                                                                                                             Application Papers) as appropriate in the field of
                   Greece                     Poland
                                                                                                             operational resilience, specifically on IT third-party
                   Iceland                    Portugal
                                                                                                             outsourcing and insurance sector cyber resilience.

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