Page 14 - Annual Report 2019
P. 14



                    The Regulatory Authority operates under a governance    Governance Structure
                    framework designed to ensure transparency, integrity,
                    independence, accountability and fairness. It is committed
                    to demonstrating best practice and leadership in this
                    area. The Governance Resolution of the Board of the
                    Regulatory Authority sets out the policy of the Board
                    on various governance matters, reflecting the intention
                    that the business of the Regulatory Authority is conducted
                    in accordance with its regulatory objectives, applicable
                    laws and principles of sound governance.
                    Role of the Board

                    The role of the Board is to lead the Regulatory Authority
                    in line with the QFC Law and its amendments and other
                    applicable legislation. The Board sets the strategic direction
                    for the Regulatory Authority; oversees the executive
                    management’s discharge of the day-to-day business of the
                    Regulatory Authority; sets policies to manage risks to the
                    Regulatory Authority’s operations and the achievement of its
                    regulatory objectives; and seeks regular assurance that the
                    system of internal controls is effective in managing risks.
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