Page 13 - Annual Report 2019
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10  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                                               CEO’S STATEMENT

                    Anti-money laundering and combatting the financing of terrorism   In pursuit of our objectives, the Annual Report records the important work
                    continued to be a critical priority for us in 2019. In December, we   that we also have undertaken in the development of human capital and
                    consulted on, and issued the updated Anti-Money Laundering and   corporate social responsibility.  Our outreach to the future generation of
                    Combatting the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Rules. The updated   financial regulators in Qatar has included career fairs, university partnerships,
                    rules were introduced following the State of Qatar adopting a new   expanded internships and scholarship programs, and our four-year
                    Law No. (20) of 2019 on Combatting Money Laundering and Terrorism   partnership with Qatar’s two banking high schools. The customised master’s
                    Financing, the Implementing Regulations of Law No. (20) of 2019 on   degree programme that we developed with the QCB and the QFMA in
                    Combatting Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing (Decision No.   2017 resulted in employees from each of the regulators obtaining advanced
                    41 of 2019) and new Law No. 27 of 2019 on Combatting Terrorism.  degrees in financial regulation from HEC during 2019. We see these efforts as
                                                                            essential to building a long-term sustainable contribution to financial
                    Customer and investor protection have been central to our regulatory   regulation in Qatar.
                    framework since the establishment of the QFC in 2005. In March 2019,
                    to ensure the QFC regulatory framework keeps pace with international   I extend my deepest thanks and appreciation to our Chairman, His Excellency
                    practices and standards, we introduced new rules to update and   Sheikh Abdulla Bin Saoud Al-Thani, our Deputy Chairman, His Excellency
                    strengthen our framework for protecting customers and investors of QFC   Sheikh Mohammed Bin Hamad Bin Qassim Al-Abdullah Al-Thani, and our
                    authorised firms and updated customer dispute resolution scheme rules.  Board of Directors, who provided strong leadership and support throughout
                                                                            the year. I would also like to thank our partners at the QCB and the QFMA
                    Our Supervision team works diligently with our firms to ensure   for their support and co-operation as we work together toward the goals and
                    compliance and, where necessary, our Enforcement team takes   objectives of the Qatar National Vision 2030 and our shared strategic plan.
                    appropriate action to address non-compliance. In 2019, the
                    Regulatory Authority took a number of significant enforcement   Regulatory Authority staff achievements in 2019 are evident throughout this
                    actions, including actions against First Abu Dhabi Bank P.J.S.C and   report. I consider it a privilege to work with this dedicated group of people
                    against the directors of Guardian Wealth Management Qatar LLC   and I commend them for their efforts.
                    (in liquidation).  Our enforcement actions demonstrate that we will
                    not hesitate to take all measures necessary to protect the integrity
                    and reputation of the QFC as a leading financial and business centre
                    and to remedy all harms to the QFC caused by unethical conduct.

                                                                            Michael G. Ryan

                                                                            Chief Executive Officer
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