Page 8 - Annual Report 2019
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05  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                         A COMMITMENT TO INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS AND CO-OPERATION

            The Group of International Finance              The International Organization of               The European Security and
            Centre Supervisors (GIFCS)                      Securities Commissions (IOSCO)                  Markets Authority (ESMA)

            This long-established group of financial services   As the global standard-setter for the securities sector, IOSCO   The ESMA is an independent European Union Authority that
            supervisors has a core interest in promoting the adoption    works with the G20 and the Financial Services Board (FSB) on   contributes to safeguarding the stability of the European
            of international regulatory standards in the banking,    the global regulatory reform agenda. The Regulatory Authority   Union’s financial system by enhancing the protection of
            fiduciary and AML/CFT arena. The GIFCS promotes    is an Associate Member of IOSCO. A Regulatory Authority   investors and promoting stable and orderly financial markets.
            compliance among its membership with the Basel Core    staff member sits on one of eight committees advising the   It achieves this by assessing risks to investors, markets
            Principles and the FATF Recommendations. The GIFCS    IOSCO Board, Committee 5 on Investment Management,   and financial stability, completing a single rulebook for
            is recognised as a leading authority on the regulation of    and also chairs a sub-committee on leverage (C5 Leverage   EU financial markets, promoting supervisory convergence
            trust and company service providers, and the interface    Sub-Committee), a task force required to establish technical   and directly supervising credit rating agencies and trade
            of these intermediaries with AML/CFT standards. The    standards following the FSB recommendations to mitigate   repositories. In 2018, the Regulatory Authority completed
            group’s purposes are to contribute to global financial    excessive leverage on funds. The Regulatory Authority is   the signing of 22 memoranda of understanding (MoU) with
            stability through the support and adoption of international   a signatory to the IOSCO Multilateral Memorandum of   securities regulators of the European Union. The MoUs were
            regulatory standards and the promotion of best practice    Understanding Concerning Consultation and Co-operation   coordinated by ESMA, following its review of the QFC’s
            where appropriate. The Regulatory Authority became a    and the Exchange of Information (MMoU). The MMoU is   legislative and supervisory framework and its approval
            member of the GIFCS in December 2017.           an international benchmark for cross-border co-operation   of the Regulatory Authority as an MoU counterparty.
                                                            and provides regulators with important tools to combat
                                                            cross-border fraud and misconduct that can undermine
            International Association of                    investor confidence and lead to weakened global markets.  The Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB)
            Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)                                                                    This international standard-setting body of regulatory and
            The IAIS comprises insurance supervisors and regulators    Memoranda of Understanding           supervisory agencies focuses on ensuring the soundness
            from more than 200 jurisdictions. Its mission is to promote                                     and stability of the Islamic financial services industry.
            effective and globally consistent supervision of the insurance   Since its inception in 2005, the Regulatory Authority has   The IFSB promotes the development of a prudent and
            industry in order to develop and maintain fair, safe and    entered into two multilateral agreements, 33 bilateral   transparent Islamic financial services industry through
            stable insurance markets for the benefit and protection of    memoranda of understanding and 23 alternative investment   introducing new, or adapting existing international
            policyholders and to contribute to global financial stability.    fund managers memoranda of understanding with a broad   standards consistent with Sharî’ah principles, and
            The Regulatory Authority is a member of the IAIS and   range of international jurisdictions and international bodies,    recommending them for adoption. The Regulatory Authority
            actively participates in and supports its work.        all as a means of furthering co-operation, sharing information    is an Associate Member of the IFSB and throughout 2019
                                                            and advancing a commitment to the highest financial    had an ongoing dialogue with the IFSB in developing
                                                            regulation standards.                           its regulatory proposals in respect of Islamic banks.
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