Page 12 - Annual Report 2019
P. 12


                    CEO’s Statement

                    Our Annual Report records the progress that the Regulatory Authority has
                    continued to make in positioning the Qatar Financial Centre as an international
                    financial centre that leads in promoting confidence among its firms and
                    customers through a sustained commitment to international standards
                    and transparency.  In pursuing our objectives, we are also in the third year of
                    working with our colleagues at the Qatar Central Bank (QCB) and the Qatar
                    Financial Markets Authority (QFMA) to realise the goals and objectives of
                    the Second Strategic Plan for Financial Sector Regulation (2017-2022) (SSP).
                    Guided by this strategy, we collaborate on matters that are central to the
                    success of financial regulation in Qatar, such as maintaining the integrity of,
                    and confidence in, the financial system and developing human capital.
                    Policy initiatives were a key focus at the Regulatory Authority in 2019,
                    with significant steps taken to introduce both new rules and amendments
                    to existing regulatory legislation. In June 2019, following an extensive
                    consultation, we introduced leverage ratio rules relating to the implementation
                    of the Basel III framework as set out in the standards published by the Basel
                    Committee on Banking Supervision and the Islamic Financial Services Board.
                    The leverage ratio is a supplementary prudential measure to the risk-based
                    capital requirements under the Basel Accords framework. Also, in June
                    2019, we introduced amendments to various rulebooks, including changes
                    to the Collective Investment Schemes Rules 2010 (“COLL”) in respect of
                    Real Estate Investment Trusts (“REITs”). The COLL changes were designed to
                    create regulatory alignment with the QFMA funds listing rules for REITs.
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