Page 9 - Annual Report 2019
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06  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                         A COMMITMENT TO INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS AND CO-OPERATION

            The Financial Action Task Force and                                                      The Intergovernmental Working Group
            related organisations                                                                    of Experts on International Standards

            The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) sets international   The Regulatory Authority also works closely with the   of Accounting and Reporting (ISAR)
            standards for combatting money laundering, terrorist    Qatar Financial Information Unit (QFIU), a Qatari   The Regulatory Authority interacts closely with this organisation
            financing and other related threats to the international   government regulatory agency responsible for financial   that assists developing countries and economies in transition
            financial system. Formed in 1989 by the ministers of its    intelligence efforts to combat money laundering and   in the implementation of best practices for accounting and
            jurisdictions around the world, the FATF is an international    financing of terrorism. Like other national financial   corporate governance. The objective of such initiatives is to
            body that sets standards to prevent money laundering,    intelligence units around the world, it requires banks,   enhance the investment climate and promote sustainable
            financing of terrorism and proliferation of weapons of    investment companies, insurers and other financial   development. The ISAR aims to achieve this through an
            mass destruction, and promotes the implementation of    institutions to report suspicious financial transactions.   integrated process of research, intergovernmental consensus
            these standards.                                                                         building, information dissemination and technical co-operation.
                                                         The QFIU then analyses the information and
            The Regulatory Authority is a member of the National    disseminates the relevant data to law enforcement
            Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing   authorities for further investigation and action.
            Committee (NAMLC). It works closely with Qatar’s financial   The QFIU is a component of Qatar’s NAMLC. Other
            regulators, other State authorities and international bodies   national partners include the QFC, the State
            to ensure the effective implementation of the State AML/  Security Bureau, the Ministry of Interior, the Criminal
            CFT Law No. 20 of 2019 on combatting money laundering   Investigation Department Section of Fighting
            and terrorism financing, which is based on the standards    Economic Crimes, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry
            issued by the FATF.                          of Economy and Commerce, the Public Prosecution,
                                                         the General Directorate of Customs, financial
            In 2019, the Regulatory Authority’s chief operating officer   institutions, and the Ministry of Social Affairs.
            was appointed project manager of NAMLC’s Project
            Working Group (PWG) and two Regulatory Authority staff
            were seconded to this group to assist with a number of
            strategic initiatives. The Regulatory Authority is assisting
            NAMLC on initiatives designed to identify and assess
            money laundering and terrorism financing vulnerabilities
            and threats, and to develop action plans to address them.
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