Page 32 - Annual Report 2019
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29  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                                  SUPERVISION AND AUTHORISATION

            Bank Supervision

            The Bank Supervision team was responsible for the ongoing supervision
            of 24 banking and advisory firms in 2019. Activities included regular
            review and monitoring of prudential returns, high-level meetings with
            senior management, bilateral and trilateral meetings with governing
            bodies and external auditors, as well as areas of focus highlighted here.

            Analysis of banks business models                       Thematic review on IFRS 9 implementation
            and profitability drivers                               The Regulatory Authority completed its thematic review on
            During the year, the department completed its assessment of the   implementation of expected credit loss (ECL) frameworks
            business models of QFC banks. The identification and assessment   and issued additional guidance to regulated firms on
            of banks business models is an integral part of Regulatory Authority   practices that required the following improvements:
            supervisory priorities and is critical to understanding bank operations
            and attendant risks. Through this assessment, the Regulatory   •   Migration of exposures and the treatment of
            Authority developed an understanding of the various operational   restructured exposures with specific requirements
            structures of banks and the evolution of a particular business model   on a cooling-off period of 12 months from the date of
            as a result of strategic choices made by an institution in response   restructuring before exposures can be migrated.
            to its operating environment. These insights led, in turn, to bespoke   •   Assessment of significant increase in credit risk must be
            supervisory engagements designed to assess vulnerabilities and   supported by clear and unambiguous procedures and
            the viability and sustainability of an institution’s strategic plans.  must be formally documented and clearly justified.
                                                                    •   Independence of the external audit function and
            Leverage ratio framework                                 prohibition of consulting services to regulated
                                                                     institutions by their external auditors.
            The Regulatory Authority finalised its leverage ratio framework    •  Prudential reporting with additional requirements
            after extensive consultation. The leverage ratio serves as a prudential   that the level of provisions shall be the higher of the
            retainer to inhibit the build-up of leverage in the banking sector.    output from the firm’s ECL mode and the Regulatory
            It also serves the purpose of shielding the broader financial system    Authority-prescribed regulatory provisions.
            and the economy from leveraging’s negative effects. The leverage
            ratio rules are aligned with the Basel III requirements and were
            supported by a quantitative impact study to evaluate the implication
            on firms operating in the QFC.
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