Page 34 - Annual Report 2019
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31  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                                  SUPERVISION AND AUTHORISATION

            Insurance Supervision                         Claims management                              International Financial Reporting
            In 2019, the Insurance Supervision team, responsible   The thematic review of claims management by QFC    Standard (IFRS) 17 (insurance contracts)
            for 21 insurers and insurance intermediaries,   insurers conducted in 2019 included an assessment    In October 2019, the Regulatory Authority conducted a
            conducted thematic reviews, assessed and analysed   of firms’ practices, policies, procedures, systems and    survey to measure the preparedness of QFC insurance firms
            prudential returns and conducted risk assessment   controls in relation to management of insurance claims.    in relation to IFRS 17, which replaces IFRS 4 in January 2022.
            visits, all important activities in the Regulatory   A primary finding of the review was the lack of appropriate   The results of the survey were collated and analysed in a
            Authority’s risk-based approach to supervision.  comprehensive claims management policies and   report that provided meaningful insight into the state of
                                                          procedures by a few firms, which could impose significant   affairs of the firms regarding implementation of the IFRS
                                                          risks in terms of accountability, fraud prevention and other   standard. Consequently, the Regulatory Authority required
            Thematic reviews                              risk management aspects. The deficiencies identified   firms to conduct a gap analysis and develop an initial
            Amendments to the risk-rating model           as part of the review were formulated in risk mitigation   project plan, to be updated periodically, to monitor a firm’s
                                                          programmes, which were then implemented by firms.
                                                                                                         progress in effectively implementing the standard by the
            In 2019, the Regulatory Authority conducted a thematic                                       deadline of January 2022.
            review to assess the management by regulated firms of    Client money
            their reinsurance cover and the security of reinsurers used.   Following the 2016 client money thematic review which   Agreed upon procedures
            The review assessed regulated firms’ level of implementation   resulted in firms strengthening client money policies,
            of effective reinsurance practices, procedures, systems, and    procedures, systems and controls, a second review was    Insurance Supervision also reviewed and updated the agreed
            controls, all of which form an important part of an insurer’s    conducted in 2019 of insurance intermediaries permitted    upon procedures report (AUPs) for insurers and insurance
            overall risk management policy.               to hold client money. The purpose of the review was to    intermediaries, in consultation with external auditors. These
                                                                                                         AUPs provide further detailed requirements on the firms’
                                                          ensure the protection of client money and its segregation   external auditors for the reconciliation of prudential returns
            Regulated firms were surveyed to assess their ability to   from a firm’s own funds in accordance with the Regulatory
            manage reinsurance-related risks. The survey looked   Authority’s rules and requirements.    to the audited financial statements. The AUPs will be used
            at areas such as reinsurance strategy and corporate                                          for the 2019 audited financial year onwards.
            governance, the process for selection of reinsurers,   During the 2019 follow-up review, there were no repeat
            evaluating security of reinsurers, and the monitoring of   findings of issues highlighted from the previous review. In
            reinsurers and firms’ exposure to any unconventional   order to comply with relevant rules and requirements, some
            form of risk transfer including finite reinsurance.   firms were required to amend their reconciliations process,
                                                          as weaknesses were found in some of the firms’ calculations.
            The Regulatory Authority communicated the findings of
            the review to regulated firms along with its expectations
            that the governing body of each firm fully recognise
            their responsibilities in relation to reinsurance-related
            risk governance and risk management and place
            remediation of the identified deficiencies as part of the
            review among their top priorities. Supervisors urged
            each firm to fully implement its proposed action plan to
            address any deficiencies identified as part of the review.
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