Page 35 - Annual Report 2019
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32  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                                  SUPERVISION AND AUTHORISATION

            International Association of                  Authorisation                                  Macroprudential Analysis
            Insurance Supervisors                         The Authorisation department is responsible for assessing   In 2019, under the Regulatory Authority’s risk-based
            As a member of the International Association of Insurance   and approving applications from firms and individuals   supervision framework, the Macroprudential Analysis
            Supervisors (IAIS), the Regulatory Authority participated   seeking authorisation from the Regulatory Authority   department provided insights on macroeconomic and
            in its work through the completion of peer review surveys   to conduct regulated activities in or from the QFC. The   finance stability to microprudential supervisory staff, senior
            for Insurance Core Principles (ICPs) and by attending the   department also acts as the interface between applicants   management, and the Board of Directors. Macroprudential
            IAIS annual conference and sub-committee meetings   and the Companies Registration Office of the QFC Authority   surveillance operates alongside microprudential (entity-
            in 2019. This participation was part of the Regulatory   in respect of their registration or incorporation in the QFC.  level) surveillance to assist supervisors in their efforts
            Authority’s continuous efforts to benchmark itself against   During 2019, Authorisation met with a broad range of   to prevent or mitigate effects of the risks identified.
            international standards, as well as to monitor international   prospective applicants to discuss their proposals and   Macroprudential surveillance assisted
            supervisory good practices and emerging risks.    subsequently review their submitted regulatory business   the Regulatory Authority in:
                                                          plans. When a plan is deemed viable and approved to
            Risk assessment visits                        proceed, Authorisation includes the proposed supervisor as   •   identifying and assessing important changes
                                                          an active participant in the assessment to ensure all issues   in the financial sector (i.e. banking, insurance,
            Although Insurance Supervision focused primarily   are understood and managed appropriately once the firm   and investment management), as well as
            on examining specific risk topics during 2019 across   is authorised and subsequently transferred to supervision.   macroeconomic factors affecting these markets;
            the insurance sector, the department also conducted                                          •  delivering value-added quantitative and qualitative
            risk assessment visits and proactive supervisory   Details of authorised firms are set out in Annex 1. During    information for forward-looking monitoring; and
            engagement meetings with authorised firms, and held   the year, one bank and two investment management    •  detecting macro-financial issues that may affect
            discussions with external auditors and actuaries.   firms were authorised. The number of individuals approved   the Regulatory Authority’s authorised firms.
            Increased focus on thematic reviews combined with   by the Regulatory Authority to perform controlled functions
            formal supervisory engagements, desk-based analysis   in authorised firms was 349. Please see Annex 2.
            of regulatory returns and risk assessment visits enabled
            the Regulatory Authority to use its resources more
            efficiently and consistently to review material risk areas
            and to achieve required supervisory outcomes.
            Insurance charts
            A selection of graphs on pages 56 – 63 highlights trends
            and facts relevant to the Regulatory Authority’s authorised
            insurance firms. These graphs use certain data obtained
            through reviews of the quarterly prudential returns
            submitted by insurance firms using the Regulatory
            Authority’s XBRL-based Electronic Submission System.
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