Page 40 - Annual Report 2019
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37  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                                  SUPERVISION AND AUTHORISATION

            National Anti-Money Laundering and                     Economists’ Roundtable: Qatar’s
            Terrorism Financing Committee (NAMLC)                  financial sector productivity
            The Regulatory Authority chief operating officer was appointed project   The QFC Authority hosted a session of the Economists’
            manager of NAMLC’s Project Working Group (PWG), and two staff were   Roundtable to discuss the drivers of the high and rising
            seconded as full-time members. The PWG was formed to advance the   productivity of Qatar’s financial sector and prospects for its
            State’s AML/CFT initiatives under the National Action Plan of Qatar. The   expansion. Supervision staff collaborated with economists
            PWG works collaboratively with NAMLC, its members and authorities.   from various Qatar ministries and private institutions, and
                                                                   heard speakers representing Qatar’s Ministry of Finance,
            Achievements over the year included:                   Brookings Doha Center, and the Qatar Stock Exchange.
            •   The review, revision and adoption of the State AML/CFT Law
             and Rules to ensure they met the Financial Action Task Force
             (FATF) standards. AML/CFT Law No. 20 of 2019 and the AML/CFT
             Implementing Regulations (Decision 41 of 2019) were passed, along   Macroprudential collaboration
             with updated AML/CFT rulebooks for supervisory authorities.
            •  In addition to reviewing the above law and rules, other laws and   Research and analysis produced at the macro level   A meeting of the Economists’ Roundtable
             regulations were reviewed and updated, in line with the FATF   continued to foster the position of the Regulatory Authority
             standards. Combatting Terrorism, Law No. 27 of 2019, was issued   to carry out its functions effectively and to contribute
             to strengthen the State’s legal framework to combat terrorism.  constructively to the work of Qatar’s Financial Stability and
            •  NAMLC finalised its baseline National Risk Assessment, which   Risk Control Committee (FSRCC), in close collaboration and
             analysed and evaluated Qatar’s money laundering and terrorism   partnership with senior members of staff from the Qatar
             financing vulnerabilities, threats and risks, along with an assessment   Central Bank and the Qatar Financial Markets Authority.
             of proliferation financing, corruption, bribery and sanctions.    During the year, the department held meetings with
            •  FATF commenced its mutual evaluation of Qatar, to assess   several external stakeholders to identify and discuss key
             technical compliance with the FATF forty recommendations and   risks to domestic financial stability and prepared biannual
             effectiveness with the eleven immediate outcomes. To support   financial stability indicators reports for the FSRCC.
             this effort, FATF conducted a workshop in Qatar in October
             2019. FATF’s on-site assessment of the State of Qatar will begin   The department provided assistance and information
             in July 2020. Its objective is to assess the country’s compliance   to various international organisations, including the
             and effectiveness with the FATF standards to combat terrorist   International Monetary Fund. It also participated in drafting
             financing, money laundering, and other forms of illicit finance.   the Financial Stability Report of the Qatar Central Bank.
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