Page 37 - Annual Report 2019
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34  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                                  SUPERVISION AND AUTHORISATION

            2019 Achievements

            In addition to the ongoing risk-based supervision of firms,
            the Regulatory Authority’s AML/CFT supervisory activities
            in 2019 focused on:

            •   executing an action plan in preparation for the 2020
             Mutual Evaluation by the Financial Action Task Force;
            •   refining data analysis tools and capabilities;
            •   developing and implementing an enhanced
             supervisory programme for higher risk firms;
            •  revising the 2018 industry guidance on Customer Due Diligence,
             the Risk-Based Approach, Beneficial Ownership of Legal Persons
             and Legal Arrangements, and Correspondent Banking;
            •  continuing collaboration with other State supervisory authorities
             on AML/CFT matters, in particular with the Ministry of Commerce
             and Industry and the Ministry of Justice to ensure the adoption
             of a consistent supervisory approach across the DNFBP sector;
            •  partnership with the Financial Information Unit on the findings
             of the 2018 thematic review on transaction monitoring and the
             reporting of suspicious transactions, and on the development of
             sectoral money laundering and terrorist financing typologies;
            •  continuing the work of the Supervisory Coordination Group with
             the Qatar Central Bank and the Qatar Financial Markets Authority
             to more closely align supervisory methodology and practice;
            •  contributing to co-ordinated technical working groups
             including the National Anti-Money Laundering and
             Terrorist Financing Committee (NAMLC).
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