Page 39 - Annual Report 2019
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36  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                                  SUPERVISION AND AUTHORISATION

            A Commitment to Regulatory Co-operation
            International Organization of                  Qatar Central Bank Insurance                    Qatar Financial Information Unit
            Securities Commissions (IOSCO)                 In 2019, two staff members of the Regulatory Authority   On 14 March 2019, the Regulatory Authority entered into a
            Investment Management Supervision represents the   specialising in supervision and authorisation who had   joint Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Qatar
            Regulatory Authority at the IOSCO Committee on Investment   been seconded to the Qatar Central Bank Insurance   Financial Information Unit (QFIU), the Qatar Central Bank
            Management. The Regulatory Authority representative was   Supervision team to provide dedicated technical support   (QCB) and the Qatar Financial Markets Authority (QFMA)
            co-chair of the working group to support the finalisation   for the implementation of a regulatory framework for   to formalise coordination mechanisms between the three
            of IOSCO Recommendations on Leverage in 2019 as well   insurance firms operating in the State of Qatar concluded   supervisory authorities and the QFIU and contribute to the
            as chair of the board’s analysis of crypto asset investments   their secondments in April and May 2019, respectively.  QFIU’s efforts to combat money laundering, and predicate
            discussed at the 2019 Cryptocurrency Investment Summit.                                        offenses and terrorism financing in the State of Qatar.
            On 5 February 2019, the Regulatory Authority was pleased    Ministry of Commerce and Industry  The MoU is encouraging the exchange of information
            to welcome the Secretary General of IOSCO, Paul P. Andrews,    In February 2019, H.E. Ali bin Ahmed Al Kuwari, Minister   and led to the creation of a joint working group, with
            to its headquarters.                                                                           two representatives from each organisation, to handle
                                                           of Commerce and Industry, made an official ministerial   compliance affairs. The group meets quarterly and
                                                           visit to the QFC, during which Regulatory Authority chief   produces a mutual report every six months on their
                                                           executive officer Michael G. Ryan, with other heads of   progress and the strategic coordination of its members.
                                                           the QFC entities, discussed recent achievements.

            Michael G. Ryan, chief executive officer, met with Paul P. Andrews,    H.E. Ali bin Ahmed Al Kuwari, Minister of Commerce and Industry,   Qatar’s three financial regulators sign an MoU with the Qatar Financial
            left, Secretary General of IOSCO               meeting with QFC chief executive officers and other officials  Information Unit. Pictured, left to right: Michael G. Ryan, chief executive
                                                                                                           officer, the Regulatory Authority; Nasser Ahmed Al-Shaibi, chief executive
                                                                                                           officer, the QFMA; Sheikh Ahmed Bin Eid Al Thani, Head, the QFIU;
                                                                                                           Hisham Saleh Al Mannai, Executive Director- Supervision and Control of
                                                                                                           Financial Institutions, the QCB; Ali Sulaiti, Head, AML/CFT Supervision,
                                                                                                           the QCB; and Mohammed Abdallah Al Muftah, Deputy Head, the QFIU
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