Page 33 - Annual Report 2019
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30  ANNUAL REPORT 2019                                                                                                  SUPERVISION AND AUTHORISATION

 Insurance Supervision
 In 2019, the Insurance Supervision t
 for 21 insurers and insurance intermediaries,  Amendments to the risk-rating model  Investment Management
 conducted thematic review
 prudential returns and conduct  The Regulatory Authority revised its risk rating methodology   Investment Management Supervision was responsible for
 visits, all important activities in the Regulatory  for firms with the sole aim of ensuring that firms are   the ongoing supervision of 10 investment management
 Authority’s risk-based approach to supervision.  categorised based on the risks they pose to regulatory   and advisory firms during 2019. Certain firms reported
            objectives. The amendments make the Regulatory Authority’s   on a monthly basis and others quarterly. Return reviews
            risk-based supervision framework as dynamic and forward-  were conducted during the month after submissions were
            looking as possible and ensure it can respond effectively to   received, and this off-site supervision was augmented
            changes in the financial markets and the broader economy.   by regular interactions with senior management at
            The Regulatory Authority has adopted the Basel Committee    firms and risk assessment visits. Two new investment
            on Banking Supervision’s “Core Principles for Effective    management firms were authorised during the year.
            Banking Supervision” as its source for detailed supervisory
            standards and criteria.                         Collective investment schemes                 Risk assessment visits

            Asset quality reviews                           Investment Management implemented a system to   Risk assessment visits were conducted during the year
                                                            supervise investment products sold or managed by all   as part of an ongoing monitoring process of the 10
            In 2019, the Bank Supervision team continued its focus on   QFC firms. Investment funds registered in Europe are   advisors and investment managers in the QFC. For three
            asset quality reviews and conducted risk assessment visits to   the main products sold by QFC firms. Most allocated   firms, the supervisors issued a risk mitigation plan to
            five banking institutions to evaluate the credit underwriting   products are invested primarily in equities, while assets   be fulfilled by year-end, which included governance,
            criteria, concentration risk, banks’ implementation of an ECL    booked in fixed income funds showed an increase.    risk management and conduct requirements.
            framework, and accuracy of prudential reporting.
                                                            Product returns framework
            Banking charts
                                                            Following the enhancement of IOSCO recommendations
            The department held meetings with firms’ senior   for funds, Investment Management reviewed the standards
            management, governing bodies and external auditors   used to collect information and modified the format to
            to assess the firms’ risk profiles and devise appropriate   be implemented for managed funds. The modifications
            supervisory interventions to address concerns. Key charts   addressed IOSCO’s 2019 recommendations for funds’
            were used to analyse trends and identify emerging risks,   leverage. The implementation is undergoing technical
            strengthening the Regulatory Authority’s risk-based   modification so that it may share the same repository system
            approach to supervision. Please see pages 38 – 55 for a   and format used for business returns. It includes investment-
            selection of banking charts documenting important trends   linked products allocated by insurance intermediaries.
            per risk category, relevant to the Regulatory Authority’s
            authorised banks. These charts form the basis of prudential
            engagements with banks’ boards and senior management.
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