Page 83 - Annual Report 2020
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/ 78                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        QF CR A ANNU AL REP OR T 2020

                   A Divisional Strategy                                                                     Nationalisation efforts

                   Qatar’s three regulators – the Qatar Central Bank, the                                    Al Masar, the Regulatory Authority’s award-winning
                   Qatar Financial Markets Authority, and the Regulatory                                     learning and development programme, started in

                   Authority – share a unifying strategy that was developed                                  2015. The ambitious programme addresses the

                   to build a sound and resilient financial sector that will                                 Regulatory Authority’s need for qualified subject matter

                   promote sustainable economic growth. The Second                                           experts and leaders, and the goal of creating a lasting

                   Strategic Plan for Financial Sector Regulation 2017-                                      legacy of financial regulation for the State of Qatar.
                   2022 is aligned with the Qatar National Vision 2030.

                                                                                                             For both Qatari graduates and more seasoned

                   In 2020, the Administration (Corporate                                                    Qatari employees, Al Masar provides the full range
                   Communications, Translation, Operations), Human                                           of human resources services, including recruitment,

                   Resources, Information Technology, Office of the                                          orientation, learning and development, career

                   General Counsel and Strategy and Organisational                                           mapping, ongoing assessment, and opportunities

                   Development departments continued their journey                                           that are designed to expand an employee’s

                   on a Corporate Services strategy closely linked to the                                    capacity to take on more responsibility.
                   shared strategy of the three financial regulators.

                                                                                                             Recruitment targets are individuals who are interested

                   For Corporate Services, the primary goals of the                                          in careers in the core business areas of Supervision
                   division are nationalisation and developing human                                         and Authorisation, and Policy and Enforcement. Qatari

                   capital. The division’s efforts were fuelled by the                                       employees progress through five developmental

                   adoption of international best practices and the                                          stages at their own pace, with defined competencies,

                   provision of innovative services to the organisation.                                     professional training, coaching, seminars, and staff

                                                                                                             mentoring available throughout the journey.

                   Building human capital                                                                    Employees follow customised individual development

                                                                                                             plans that include core skills function rotation, work-
                   The Regulatory Authority has a robust, multi-
                                                                                                             based assignments and professional certificates,
                   path approach to developing its staff and building
                                                                                                             international assignments and local secondments, a
                   awareness of the financial sector in Qatar.
                                                                                                             master’s or advanced degree relevant to Regulatory

                                                                                                             Authority subject matter, and leadership preparation.

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