Page 84 - Annual Report 2020
P. 84
/ 79 QF CR A ANNU AL REP OR T 2020
Outreach to Qatar’s schools and universities
Promoting Careers in Internships
Financial Regulation
The internship model has successfully embedded itself
The Al Masar strategy calls for the Regulatory in the culture of the Regulatory Authority. In 2020, 22
Authority to reach out to secondary schools and interns participated in learning and development, work
university students in Qatar to acquaint them with experience, and information sharing opportunities.
career possibilities in Qatar’s financial sector.
Six Qataris benefitted from internships at the Regulatory
Authority, learning about core business activities ranging
University outreach from bank supervision to macroprudential analysis to
drafting legislation and the basics of finance.
The Regulatory Authority made great strides in creating
a legacy of financial regulation for Qatar and promoting
These internships were supported by the Al Masar
the financial sector as a career choice in 2020.
programme, designed to provide opportunities to
high-performing university and post-graduate students
to work in a professional environment while they are
still working on their degrees.