Page 85 - Annual Report 2020
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/ 80 QF CR A ANNU AL REP OR T 2020
University partnerships Building a wealth of knowledge internally
The Regulatory Authority continued its outreach In line with the Al Masar goal to create a wealth
to Carnegie Mellon University Qatar (CMU-Q) and of knowledge within the organisation, in 2020
Georgetown University Qatar (GU-Q), which began in the Regulatory Authority launched Ma’arefatna,
2019. Computer Science students at CMU-Q worked a knowledge-sharing programme dedicated to
on the Information Systems Project of refurbishing the helping employees share their expertise and
Regulatory Authority’s website public registers with knowledge with each other. In the same year, three
weekly guidance provided by the Information Technology online sessions were held, covering an in-depth
staff. The three-month project concluded in April 2020. view of the core business works and processes.
The core business departments launched the Regulatory The Regulatory Authority held five in-house
Authority’s first virtual internship in partnership with information sessions, RAfresh & RAfuel, to educate
GU-Q in March 2020. Nine students formed the employees on topics ranging from platforms
remote research team and produced a report on their for data analytics to corporate governance.
research about international regulatory jurisdictions.
Awareness sessions and career fairs
To interest university students in careers in financial
regulation and recruit potential job candidates, the
Regulatory Authority conducted two awareness
sessions and participated in one career fair in 2020.
Staff from the core business departments and Human
Resources staffed the booth at the Qatar University
fair in March. The Regulatory Authority conducted
the awareness sessions at CMUQ in January and at
Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU) in September.