Page 88 - Annual Report 2020
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/ 83                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        QF CR A ANNU AL REP OR T 2020

                                                                                                             Best practices

                   Digital transformation and full                                                           Internal Whistleblowing Framework

                   migration to Microsoft Cloud
                                                                                                             In line with the Regulatory Authority’s commitment

                   Prompted by the Ministry of Transport and                                                 to maintaining its Code of Conduct, the Office of

                   Communications (MoTC)’s 2019 partnership with                                             the General Counsel implemented the internal
                   Microsoft, the Regulatory Authority completed its                                         Whistleblower Policy in August 2020.

                   migration of IT infrastructure to Microsoft’s cloud, Azure.

                                                                                                             With the implementation of the policy, the Regulatory

                   The migration of the Regulatory Authority’s                                               Authority promotes and maintains ethical standards

                   infrastructure, applications, and systems was completed                                   and employee integrity, and supports an open
                   in September 2020. This digital transformation                                            organisational culture where employees are

                   initiative, supported by MoTC, was thoroughly                                             provided clear guidance on reporting procedures

                   planned, designed and implemented with certain                                            and also have confidence in the procedures.
                   controls to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and

                   availability of the Regulatory Authority’s data as well                                   The Regulatory Authority recognises the

                   as compliance with the Qatar National Information                                         importance of an effective whistleblower protection

                   Assurance policy. This allows the Regulatory Authority                                    framework, aligning itself with international best

                   to deliver scale services in a secured manner while                                       practices in the global anticorruption agenda.
                   contributing to Qatar’s financial landscape.

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